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Just like any Pennsylvanian, I don’t back down from a tough fight.

Eugene DePasquale standing resolutely, embodying strength and determination as he runs for Pennsylvania Attorney General.
Eugene DePasquale speaking in front of the American flag, advocating for justice and transparency as PA Attorney General.


Defending Democracy

Trump said he’d be a dictator “on day one.” Not on my watch. Count on me to defeat every attempt by extreme MAGA Republicans to undermine democracy.


Standing Up for Reproductive Freedoms

It was a dark day when five extreme Supreme Court justices overturned Roe vs. Wade. As Attorney General, I’ll always fight to protect a woman’s right to choose.

Eugene DePasquale engaging with students, highlighting his commitment to education and youth as he runs for Attorney General.
Eugene DePasquale discussing community support  with local food bank workers during his 2024 campaign for Attorney General.


Fighting for Unions and Working People

Growing up, I worked whatever jobs I could to help my family – from umpiring Little League games, to bussing tables, to working as a janitor. As your Attorney General, I’ll come after any big corporation that tries to stick it to unions and workers.


I will beat our MAGA opponent.

I’m the only candidate who has run statewide – and I won twice – including once when Trump was on the ballot.

That’s because I have a record of standing up to bullies and delivering results in every corner of Pennsylvania.

Eugene DePasquale standing confidently with Pennsylvanians, symbolizing unity and leadership in his Attorney General campaign

My record as Auditor General: 

  • Took down organizations that spread harmful misinformation about abortions and ended a decades-old scam where an “abortion alternative” provider used state funds to support activities outside of Pennsylvania.

  • Cracked down on criminals and tested 97% of Pennsylvania’s untested rape kits, leading to arrests and bringing justice to survivors.

  • Protected children across Pennsylvania by bolstering support for the state’s child abuse hotline after discovering that one in every five calls was going unanswered.  

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