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PA AFL-CIO Endorses Eugene depasquale for attorney general

Round logo that reads Pennsylvania AFL-CIO around the perimeter. Inside there is a red keystone with 2 hands shaking. The hand on the left reads AFL and the one on the right reads CIO

(Harrisburg, Pa.) — Today the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO endorsed Eugene DePasquale for Attorney General. The organization includes 51 international and 1,422 local unions, which represent more than 700,000 working Pennsylvanains. 

“Organized labor will always be there to fight for working people, but we need allies in our corner as corporations continue to amass power and wealth,” said Angela Ferritto, President, PA AFL CIO. “We need an Attorney General who will defend the rights of workers, and fight against wage theft, unsafe workplaces, and the exploitation corporations try to get away with when they think no one will stand up to them. Eugene will be that Attorney General for all of us.”

“I’m proud of my record as a fighter for Pennsylvania’s working families. I’ve never shied away from taking on bullies who threaten or exploit us, and I never will,” said Eugene DePasquale. “Workers count on the AFL and I want them to know they can count on me as their next Attorney General.”

The PA AFL-CIO joins Eugene DePasquale’s large and growing list of endorsements from organizations around the state and country.


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