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Eugene DePasquale Receives Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC Endorsement for PA Attorney General

PPPA applauds Eugene’s commitment to protecting reproductive health and access


June 3, 2024

CONTACT: Carver Murphy | | (610) 207-7419

PITTSBURGH, PA – Democrat Eugene DePasquale received the Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC endorsement for Pennsylvania Attorney General.


PPPA applauded Eugene’s commitment to protecting reproductive health and access and joined a growing list of pro-choice groups backing Eugene.


“I’ll always stand up for women’s abortion rights in Pennsylvania,” said DePasquale. “Not only will I defend the right to an abortion in Pennsylvania, I’ll fight to ensure women fleeing right-wing authoritarian states have access to the care they need in Pennsylvania.”


Eugene is running for Attorney General with a record of fighting for abortion rights. It was Eugene’s investigation that helped shut down Real Alternatives’ so-called “crisis pregnancy centers'' that misinformed women. Eugene’s investigation paved the way for an enormous win for reproductive rights advocates when Governor Josh Shapiro ended state funding for the anti-abortion clinics in 2023.


“Extreme MAGA Republicans like Dave Sunday are attacking abortion rights in the courts,” said DePasquale. “As Attorney General, I’ll never back down from a fight to ensure women can choose what they do with their own bodies.”


Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC joins a growing number of unions, advocacy organizations, and leaders across the state endorsing Eugene for Attorney General including the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers, United Steelworkers, Central PA Building Trades, Philly Neighborhood Networks, Senator John Fetterman, and more.


Find all of Eugene’s endorsements here


Watch Eugene’s campaign introduction video here.


Pennsylvania’s general election is on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.




Just like any Pennsylvanian, Eugene doesn’t back down from a tough fight. 


Whether it’s standing up for women’s reproductive freedoms, taking on police bureaucracy to reduce the backlog in untested rape kits, or holding corporations accountable for polluting our air and water, Eugene has your back.


Born and raised in the blue-collar city of Pittsburgh, Eugene knows the value of hard work, putting himself through law school at night. 


Eugene is a lifelong Democrat and principled leader who will stand up to both political parties and powerful special interests to protect Pennsylvanians. He’s earned a reputation as a transparent, independent watchdog of the taxpayer’s money.


As former state legislator and two-term Auditor General with a record of protecting Pennsylvanians by taking on tough challenges and holding each party accountable, Eugene asks for your support in his campaign for Attorney General.


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