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Eugene DePasquale Receives Most Support in Lancaster, Allegheny, and Northumberland Counties for PA Attorney General

Eugene won 61% of Lancaster County Democratic endorsement vote;

 Earned unanimous endorsement from Chartiers Valley Democrats and Northumberland County Democrats;

Cemented status as frontrunner in a five-way race


January 28, 2024

CONTACT: Carver Murphy | | (610) 207-7419

PITTSBURGH, PA – Eugene DePasquale received the most support in Lancaster, Allegheny, and Northumberland Counties for Pennsylvania Attorney General.

In the last week, Eugene won 61% of the Lancaster County Democratic endorsement vote, earned unanimous endorsements from Char Valley Democrats and Northumberland County Democrats, and cemented his status as the frontrunner in a five-way race for the Democratic nomination for Pennsylvania Attorney General.

“These endorsements make it clear – Democrats want to win in November and they know the candidate to do that is Eugene,” said Emily Kinkead, campaign chair. “We’re winning these endorsements not just because Eugene's the only candidate who's won statewide before but also because he's the best candidate to stand up for abortion rights, unions, and working families across Pennsylvania.”

Eugene won the most votes at the Democratic State Committee meeting in December, earning 52% of the vote in a five-candidate race. On January 20, Northumberland County Democrats voted unanimously to endorse Eugene. 

Saturday, 61% of Lancaster County Democrats voted to endorse Eugene and the Chartiers Valley Democrats voted unanimously to endorse. Chartiers Valley Democrats is a regional consortium of Democratic Party leaders from 34 communities in Allegheny County.


“I’ve won statewide twice, including with Trump on the ballot,” said Eugene. “Democrats in Lancaster, Allegheny, and Northumberland Counties are supporting our campaign because they know my record of protecting abortion rights, know my record of standing up for unions, and know my record of winning statewide elections in November.”

This new wave of support for Eugene adds to his growing list of endorsements from dozens of elected officials, unions, and leaders across the state.


Find all of Eugene’s endorsements here

Watch Eugene’s campaign introduction video here.

Pennsylvania’s primary election is on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.


Just like any Pennsylvanian, Eugene doesn’t back down from a tough fight. 


Whether it’s standing up for women’s reproductive freedoms, taking on police bureaucracy to reduce backlogs in untested rape kits, or holding polluters accountable for dirtying our air and water, Eugene has your back.

Born and raised in the blue-collar city of Pittsburgh, Eugene knows the value of hard work, putting himself through law school at night. 

Eugene is a lifetime Democrat and principled leader who will stand up to both parties to protect Pennsylvanians. He’s earned a reputation as a transparent, independent watchdog of the taxpayer’s money.

As former state legislator and two-term Auditor General with a record of protecting Pennsylvanians by taking on tough challenges and holding each party accountable, Eugene asks for your support in his campaign for Attorney General.


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