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Get Involved


Help Eugene get on the ballot! 

In order to appear on the ballot for the upcoming primary election, the campaign must collect thousands of signatures from registered voters in every county across the state. That's where you come in! We need registered Democrats in the state of Pennsylvania to collect signatures to put Eugene on the ballot. 

Petition collection is OPEN NOW and runs until Tuesday, February 13th, 2024. You may ONLY collect signatures within that period. 

How to Get Started: 

  1. Confirm you are a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT in the state of Pennsylvania.

  2. Print the petition for your county from the corresponding link below. 

    1. Petitions MUST be printed back to back and head to head.

    2. Ensure that QR codes and barcodes are NOT cut off in the margins. ​

Guidelines for Petition Collection: 

  1. All signers must be a registered DEMOCRAT and live in the district for which you are circulating. 

  2. Use only BLUE or BLACK ink.

  3. People should sign and print their names and addresses NEATLY - ensure they sign their name as it appears on their voter registration/state-issued ID. 

  4. Signers can only sign ONE candidate's petition for Attorney General. 

  5. "City, Boro, Twp" is the MUNICIPALITY where the voter resides - this may be different than their mailing address.

  6. NO P.O. BOXES!

  7. Avoid abbreviations (i.e. PHILADELPHIA, not PHI or PHILLY)

  8. Use MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY when dating the petition.

  9. If the signer makes a mistake, draw ONE SINGLE LINE through the entry. Move down to the next row. 

  10. DO NOT ADD PAGE NUMBERS at the bottom of the petition pages. 

How to Return Your Completed Petition: 

  1. Fill out this form - someone from the campaign will contact you to coordinate return of the petitions.


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